Feature tour
Track progress with custom dashboards
Drag n' drop widgets
Use any of the over 17 available KPI widgets to surface any metric you want to track
17+ reporting widgets
With 17 (and counting) reporting widgets, you have everything you need to surface the KPI metrics you need to track the enrichment progress
Widget specific settings
Each widgets comes with its own settings that can be dialed in to your liking with with things like colorizations, search filters and of course header sections
Personal or shared dashboards
Your dashboard tabs can be personalized to each user or shared to keep the entire team on track
Personal dashboard tabs
Meaning you and only you can access the dashboards tabs set as personal. This is perfect for limiting accessibility of certain dashboard tabs
Shared dashboard tabs
When you add a shared tab, you allow other users to add the tab to their dashboard area. This is perfect for keeping everyone on track with what needs to be done