Enrichment insights allow you to measure and track the enrichment progress of individual products based on the completion of specific fields. They can be customized as needed (Duration: 02:15 min).
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AI-powered product descriptions
One of the features of the AI Assistant is the ability to automatically generate high quality written content, like product descriptions. This feature is powered by the exact same technology you know and love from Open AI's ChatGPT. (Duration: 03:12 min).
Bite-sized demo video
AI-powered product descriptions in bulk
One of the most powerful ways to use AI Assistant is to bulk generate product descriptions automatically across multiple products - all within Struct PIM. This feature is powered by the exact same technology you know and love from Open AI's ChatGPT. (Duration: 01:16 min).
Bite-sized demo video
AI-powered translations
Another powerful feature in AI Assistant is its ability to automatically translate texts for single products one by one or simultanously across multiple products - all within Struct PIM. This feature is powered by Microsoft Azure's powerful translation engine. (Duration: 01:55 min).